Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions We have compiled a list of questions that are frequently asked by all of our potential customers. We hope that these FAQs and answers help with this matter.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions or if you need additional clarification.

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Frequently asked questions

1. Do you sell ready to ship "off the shelf" products that I can purchase now?
A. Sorry, No; Due to the nature of our product all temperature settings are unique to the customer needs.

2. Can I customize my actuator?
A. Yes, You have absolute control over its design, temperature range, material, and fastening method.

3. What is average lead time between placing my order and having it shipped?
A. The average lead time is 2 weeks for a sample, and 4 weeks for a production order.

4. Will your product function correctly in my system or application?
A. Absolutely!; Our products are custom designed and manufactured to fit your specific needs.

5. Do you offer additional technical data aside from what is posted on your website?
A. Yes, We can provide any type of technical data you need; our skilled engineers await your questions.

6. What is the smallest/tightest temperature range I can request for my thermal actuators?
A. The smallest range you can have is an 8°F range; i.e. 158°F-166°F

7. What type of testing can you do in house?
A. Flow, Pressure, Life Cycle, Material Compatibility, Stress (FEA)

8. If I request an RMA how long will I wait to hear back from you?
A. You will hear back from us within 10 business days; if you have an emergency please call us.